Dear walkers and peace campaigners,
I wish I could be with you but sometimes when the people who are nearest to you are suffering it is just too much to try and support them and stand up for what you believe in at the same time, I hope you all understand.
I will be with you in spirit though, every step of the way. Everything you do remember there will be lots of people like me who will be with you in spirit, every step of the way, we just can’t be with you physically at the moment.
Please don’t ever feel that what you are doing is not important, or that you don’t have right on your side. This is important, it is fundamental, it is at the root and core of the problems that humanity faces right now. All the problems, the inequality, the greed, the fear, the poverty, the climate crisis, the corruption, all stem from a fundamental problem, an imbalance, a lack of respect and appreciation of mother earth and this wonderful planet we have been gifted with and a forgetting of the fundamental truth that we are all one, every single man, woman and child, all one, all equally worthy of respect and a decent life, a wonderful life, every single one.
As a Quaker I will hold you in the light. As a pagan I will talk to the earth and the sky in that special place where you are, that Lake and Heath place, where the land, the air, the fire and the water all meet. Every day I will walk in nature and every day I will light a candle for you. I wish you well.
Blessed Be, Love, Peace, Justice,