Women in Black against the War – Madrid

Dear friends,

Thank you very much for inviting us, Women in Black against the War – Madrid, to join your action against the deployment of nuclear weapons in Lakenheath. If there is a great peril, at this moment, to global peace that is the threat to use nuclear weapons.

Never before have we been ruled by so many extreme politicians. Lack of sanity seems to be part of their manual. We are pleased to learn about the plans of the USA government in order to be able to dismount them. Information not always reaches us. But now that we know, we will be on your side, putting all necessary pressure to stop these weapons from arriving in the UK.

Here we share with you a statement against nuclear weapons we published not long ago: https://mujeresdenegromadrid.blogspot.com/2022/04/convocation-april-24th-2022-no-to.html

Best wishes for your walk and peace camp,

Women in Black against the War – Madrid