The presence of nuclear weapons anywhere in the world is a threat to all of humanity, and to Mother Earth. Your efforts to prevent their return to UK soil are a vital part of the global movement for a safer and more secure to the present day and the future life.
As a peace, consumer and environment advocate, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for your courageous and principled stand against the return of US nuclear weapons to the United Kingdom (UK). Your commitment to promoting peace and opposing the proliferation of nuclear arms is both inspiring and necessary in these times of global uncertainty and geo-political tension.
The return of nuclear weapons would not only increase the risk of potential conflict and devastation but also undermine the principles of peace and disarmament that so many have fought for over the years. By coming together in this campaign, you are making a powerful statement against the promotion of nuclear armament while fostering for the protection of our planet and future generations.
We don’t want any more Hiroshima’s and Nagasaki’s.
We don’t want hypocrites that allows Israel to have nuclear weapons but that imposes sanctions on Iran for nuclear research.
We want those same nuclear powers to stop genocides against Palestinians.
Where is their conscience? Where is their humanity?
Your dedication to non-violent action and peaceful protest is a testament to the enduring power of collective action and the belief that a better world is possible. As you walk, speak out on this crucial cause, remember that your voices are being heard, and your efforts are making a difference. Together, we can work towards a world free from the threat of nuclear weapons, where peace and security are achieved through diplomacy, understanding, and mutual respect.
Thank you for your commitment and bravery. I stand with you in solidarity and support your noble mission. I would like to end by expressing my support for this noble call by stating that “Little people doing little things in little places everywhere can change the world”
Yours in Peace,
Anwar Fazal,
Chairman, Penang Gandhi Peace Centre
(Right Livelihood Award (1982), UNEP global 500 Award (1988), Gandhi-King-Ikeda Community Builders Award (2006))
10th July 2024