Abingdon Peace Group
Peace group in Abingdon, Oxfordshire.
Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp
35 years of women resisting violence in all its forms
Alianza por el Desarme Nuclear – Spain
The Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament is a network created with the aim of uniting entities, NGOs and social groups to combine efforts, experiences and analysis with the aim of ensuring that the Government of Spain adheres to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPAN).
Alternativa Antimilitarista-Moc
A Spanish peace group whose main objectives are the abolition of armies, wars, the arms industry, and all mechanisms of social control, followed by the construction of anti-militarist defence alternatives in conjunction with other struggles for social emancipation.
Cambridge Stop The War Coalition
Cambridge Stop the War is a broad-based coalition of Anti-war activists, Unions, faith groups, political parties and individuals in and around Cambridge.
Cambridge Women in Black
Cambridge Women in Black is a small vigilling group who meet once a month, for a silent vigil in the Market Square in Cambridge. We wear black and carry hand-painted placards that are simple, and worded to promote peace and to protest against the arms trade and war.
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
CND is a movement of people campaigning to get rid of nuclear weapons in Britain and worldwide.
CND Cymru
CND Cymru campaigns side by side with a host of other movements in Wales and worldwide to rid Britain and the world of all weapons of mass destruction, for peace and for human and social and environmental justice.
CODEPINK is a feminist grassroots organization working to end U.S. warfare and imperialism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect resources into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming* programs.
Communist Party of Britain – Eastern Region
Stand for an independent foreign and defence policy for Britain and its constituent nations, based on cooperation, solidarity and the peaceful settlement of conflict between countries.
Faringdon Peace Group
Faringdon Peace Group is a non-party-political group that has been active since 1981. We try to develop awareness and encourage open discussion on issues of peace in our world. Where appropriate we also organise or take part in direct action events.
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
The ‘Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space’ (also known as the ‘Global Network’ or the ‘GN’) is an international network of organisations and individuals who are concerned about the militarisation and exploitation of space.
Greater Manchester & District Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
We campaign for:
- The elimination of nuclear weapons
- An end to illegal, interventionist wars
- The closure of the nuclear power industry
Greenham Women Everywhere
From 1981 for almost 20 years, Greenham Common became home to thousands of women acting in political resistance to the nuclear arms race, to patriarchy and violence in all its forms and to the claiming of British common land to store US missiles.
Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action
Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action offers the opportunity to explore the meaning and practice of nonviolence from a perspective of deep spiritual reflection, providing a means for witnessing to and resisting all nuclear weapons, especially Trident. We seek to go to the root of violence and injustice in our world and experience the transforming power of love through nonviolent direct action.
Heddwch ar Waith
Mae’r dasg o fynnu atebion heddychlon i heriau ein hoes yn disgyn ar ysgwyddau pobl gyffredin fel chi
The task of demanding peaceful solutions to the challenges of our time falls on the shoulders of ordinary people like you -
ICAN Cymru
Anti Nuclear, Pro Environment, Pro Renewables !
International Peace Bureau
The International Peace Bureau is dedicated to the vision of a World Without War. Our current main programme centres on Disarmament for Sustainable Development and within this, our focus is mainly on the reallocation of military expenditure.
Iona Community
We are a dispersed community of people working for peace and justice.
You can belong to the Iona Community – we’d love to welcome you!
You can find out more about joining our movement below. -
Kingston Peace Council
We are a local group providing a focus for people in Kingston and the surrounding area who wish to work for international understanding, the peaceful resolution of conflict, the abolition of nuclear weapons and an end to the arms race and general disarmament. We publish a monthly newsletter Kingston Peace News.
Labour CND
Our purpose is to build support for nuclear disarmament and a peaceful foreign policy within the Labour Party. We call for the scrapping of the Trident nuclear weapon system
Lewisham and Greenwich CND
A group for members and supporters of the Lewisham and Greenwich branch of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
Health injustice is driven by political, social and economic conditions. Our campaigns organise for systems change to win justice.
Milton Keynes Peace Pagoda
Dedicated to the building of peace pagodas world wide and the chanting and drumming of the Daimoku for world peace and social justice especially in relation to nuclear disarmament
Movement for the Abolition of War
The Movement for the Abolition of War (MAW) is part of an ongoing world-wide uprising, challenging the inevitability of war and guided by the Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations signed in 1945
Founded in 2008 to prepare protests against the NATO 2009 Summit & ever since organizing & informing on alternatives to NATO.
Norwich & District Trades Union Council
We bring together trade union branches in the Norwich area to campaign on issues affecting people in their workplaces and throughout local communities.
Norwich and District CND
Norwich CND campaigns against nuclear proliferation around the world, but especially in the UK.
Norwich Friends of the Earth
We’re working to help protect and sustain the natural environment in Norwich and the surrounding area.
We campaign locally and, where appropriate, nationally and internationally, on environmental issues, including, for example, climate change, climate justice, pollution, waste, transport, energy, wildlife, and habitat.
We aim to bring people together to promote positive change and work collaboratively with other groups across the city towards shared goals.
Norwich Stop The War Coalition
Norwich Stop the War Coalition is part of the national Stop the War Coalition. The Norwich Stop the War Coalition was formed in October 2001 prior to the attack on Afghanistan.
Pax Christi
The work of Pax Christi – the Peace of Christ – is based on the gospel and inspired by faith. Our vision is of a world where people can live in peace, without fear of violence in any form. Pax Christi is rooted in Catholic Christianity but is open to all who share its values and work.
Peace People Belfast
The Peace People began in 1976 as a protest movement against the on-going violence in Northern Ireland. Its three founders were: Mairead Corrigan, (now Mairead Corrigan Maguire), Betty Williams and Ciaran McKeown. Over 100,000 people were involved in the initial movement and two of the founders, Mairead and Betty, received the Nobel Peace Prize for that year.
Platform Women and Sustainable Peace
Platform Vrouwen en Duurzame Vrede (PV&DV)
The Platform Women & Sustainable Peace (PV&DV) is committed to ensuring that women are recognised as equal partners in achieving sustainable peace and security.
Scottish CND
We demand that Britain abandons all nuclear weapons, nuclear bases and nuclear alliances, immediately and unilaterally, as the first step towards a new foreign policy that has, as its main objective, the worldwide abolition of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, ultimately leading to complete and general global disarmament.
Secure Scotland
Secure Scotland’ is a network of people and organisations that is challenging prevailing ideas of security. In place of practices that increase inequality and make us less safe, we want to link up those who think Scotland could look after all its citizens and their environment by responding to basic needs and real threats, and make useful contributions to peace and security in the global community.
Stop The War Coalition
Stop the War was founded in September 2001 in the weeks following 9/11, when George W. Bush announced the “war on terror”. Stop the War has since been dedicated to preventing and ending the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere.
Stop the War Cymru
Atal y Rhyfel Cymru Stop the War. We are the Welsh branch of the Stop the War Coalition
Trident Ploughshares
Trident Ploughshares is a campaign to disrupt and disarm the UK Trident nuclear weapons system in a nonviolent, open, and fully accountable manner.
UK/Ireland Nuclear Free Local Authorities
Nuclear Free Local Authorities tackle in practical ways, and within their powers, the problems posed by civil and military nuclear hazards.
Waveney Trades Union Council
Trade Union branches in the Waveney area working on various issues that affect workers in the area.
West Suffolk People’s Assembly
We are the West Suffolk branch of The Peoples Assembly, standing up for those who face impoverishment and uncertainty as their wages, jobs, conditions and welfare provisions are under renewed attack by the government. Join us in making a noise!!
Woking Action for Peace
Women in Black against the War – Madrid
Mujeres De Negro Contra Las Guerras
No en nuestro nombre. (Not in our name.)
No con nuestro dinero. (Not with our money.)
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (Italian Section)
WILPF links human rights, women’s participation, disarmament, justice and development in all relevant bodies.
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (UK Section)
WILPF links human rights, women’s participation, disarmament, justice and development in all relevant bodies.
XR Peace
Extinction Rebellion Peace is a coalition of peace groups that supports the demands of Extinction Rebellion
Young Communist League, East of England
Want to transform society in order to end exploitation, oppression, inequality, poverty, unemployment and war — in other words, we want to end the rule of the monopoly capitalist system and build a better socialist system.