Category: Letters of Support
Green Party Peace, Security and Defence Working Group
Dear Lakenheath Campaigners Greetings and Solidarity from the Green Party’s Peace, Security and Defence Working Group! We are fully behind your demand that US nuclear weapons should not be based at Lakenheath or anywhere else in the UK, and indeed should be removed from bases all across Europe. We hope you get widespread support for the…
Norwich Friends of the Earth
On behalf of Norwich Friends of the Earth, I am writing to extend our full support for the upcoming Lakenheath Alliance for Peace march and camp. We are united with you in the pursuit of peace, environmental protection, and social justice. We oppose all aspects of the nuclear cycle: nuclear power, nuclear waste, and nuclear weapons.…
Prof. Dr. Raúl Montenegro (FUNAM)
SAY NO TO THE RETURN OF US NUCLEAR WEAPONS TO THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) The risk of nuclear war increases as more nuclear weapons are generated, and sites with nuclear weapons expand.
Gandhi Ashram (Chairman, Penang Gandhi Peace Centre)
SAY NO TO THE RETURN OF US NUCLEAR WEAPONS TO THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) The presence of nuclear weapons anywhere in the world is a threat to all of humanity, and to Mother Earth. Your efforts to prevent their return to UK soil are a vital part of the global movement for a safer and…
Hereford Peace Council
The members of Hereford Peace Council admire your peaceful efforts to oppose the deployment of US nuclear weapons in the United Kingdom.
Dear everyone, as WILPF Italia we are with you, proud of what you are doing, sorry not to be present but deeply close.
Gareloch Horties
As we, the Gareloch Horties, are unable to come to Lakenheath we will take to the streets of Edinburgh on Saturday 13th July with leaflets and banners and try to publicise the campaign to stop the nuclear weapon being based there.
Secure Scotland
It is a basic principle of human security that one cannot be safe until all are safe. The US plan to deploy its nuclear weapons to Lakenheath is already adding to the escalating threat and counter threat pattern that is edging us ever closer to nuclear catastrophe. The UK’s ready compliance with the plan is…
Angie, XR Peace
XR Peace send their best wishes for the 2 week nonviolent peace walk, cycle and camp at USAF Lakenheath starting on the 13th July 2024. We are glad to see that you are making the vital links between climate change and militarisation. We hope you will be able to sustain your protests until all nuclear…
Lynn Jamieson, Chair, Scottish CND
To the Peace Camp at USAF Lakenheath on Saturday 13th JulyGreetings, good wishes and our heart felt support from Scottish CND.Scottish CND are, of course, in full support of the Campaign of Resistanceto Nuclear Weapons at Lakenheath. We will resist any use of infrastructureor personnel that facilitates nuclear war fighting. On the 13h of July,along…