Category: August 2024
Say No To Nukes Benefit Gig
in August 20247:30pm Wednesday 16th April The Hunter Club, 6 St Andrews Street South, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3PH Tickets only £10. Further donations at the venue would be appreciated.Doors open 7:00pm Robb Johnson Robb Johnson is one of the most consistent and prolific songwriters of our generation. His work is both political and personal. Contradicting capitalism…
Mildenhall Planes
in August 2024Native Planes Some, but not all Mildenhall planes have a D tail code. KC-135R – Stratotanker The KC-135 is still one of the main air refuelling planes used by the USAF. Some of them served in the Vietnam War. They can carry 90,718kg of fuel. KC-10 Extender Another air refuelling plane and can carry 165,561…