Launch of Lakenheath Alliance for Peace – March 26th 2024 – Press Release

The new Lakenheath Alliance for Peace (LAP) was launched at Lakenheath on Tuesday 26th March. Twelve members representing the current alliance members delivered a letter to the Commanders of RAF (USAF) Lakenheath. The group approached the main gate and were told that someone would come to speak to them. They were asked to move back “beyond the white line” to British territory, but said they would only do so once they had delivered the letter to one of the commanders. Eventually Squadron Leader Stewart Geary, the RAF commander, took the letter, read it and promised to make sure that it was delivered to the two USAF Base Commanders – and also promised that we would receive a reply.

RAF Lakenheath is controlled by the US Air Force. Plans are in place for bringing B61-12 nuclear bombs to Lakenheath, with the F-35 bombers already established at the base to deliver the bombs. These deadly aircraft are also polluting our skies using 22 gallons of fuel every minute.

Lakenheath Alliance for Peace is a coalition of groups that is dedicated to preventing the return of US nuclear weapons to Lakenheath in Suffolk. Currently members include Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp, CND, Greenham Women Everywhere, Heddwch as Waith, Nipponzam Myohoji, Movement for the Abolition of War, Trident Ploughshares, Woking Action for Peace, and XR Peace.

With the Doomsday Clock moving to 90 seconds to midnight, and the heightened concern about nuclear threat arising from the international situation, now more than ever we need to act to make the public aware of the dangers of nuclear weapons not only to East Anglia but to the whole world.

As Angie Zelter from Wales said: “I am horrified that once more we have to engage in direct action to stop the US bringing their weapons of mass destruction back to the UK. I lived in North Norfolk for 33 years and was involved in the actions at Lakenheath in the 80s and 90s. And now I have to start again.”

For more information please contact

Please find attached a folder of photos from the day and a copy of the letter we delivered.


Sue Wright