Mildenhall Planes

Native Planes

Some, but not all Mildenhall planes have a D tail code.

KC-135R – Stratotanker

The KC-135 is still one of the main air refuelling planes used by the USAF. Some of them served in the Vietnam War.

They can carry 90,718kg of fuel.

KC-10 Extender

Another air refuelling plane and can carry 165,561 kg of fuel.

RC-135V/W Rivet Joint

Similar to the KC-135 but has a modified nose cone, box like bulges at the front and lots of ariels.

It is a reconnaissance aircraft for intelligence gathering and analysis.

MC-130J Commando II

This is used by Special Ops based at RAF Mildenhall.


A tiltrotor aircraft which replaced the helicopters that were previously stationed at Mildenhall.

They are used by Special Ops stationed at Mildenhall.

C-146A Wolfhound

On 4 December 2024, the first C-146A Wolfhound 10-3077 arrived at RAF Mildenhall (UK), to be incorporated into Air Force Special Operations Command’s 352nd Special Operations Wing.

Visiting Aircraft

RAF Mildenhall is a major logistics hub for the USAF and therefore have many aircraft visiting or passing through.

E4 ‘Doomsday’ Plane

As the name suggests, seeing this plane is not a good sign. There are four of these planes in the USAF and serve as a ‘survivable mobile command‘ in the event of a major attack on the USA.

They have been seen at Mildenhall several times recently. We assume that one is always near the US President in case they have to launch a nuclear strike.

Israeli Planes

As well as being a stop off point for US supplies to Israel, Israeli planes have also been seen arriving at RAF Mildenhall1.


A USAF F-16 from Aviano airbase in Italy visiting UK as part of a series of major exercises in September 2024.


For fans of Apocalypse Now.

  1. Exclusive: Israeli military planes have landed at four locations in Britain since 7 October; Declassified; 1 February 2024 ( ↩︎


2 responses to “Mildenhall Planes”

  1. How long was SilkPurse at Mildenhall?(I was stationed there 1967-70)

    1. I believe it was from 1966 until 1984 when it was moved to Lajes Field in the Azores and continued until 1991.
      There is an official history of Mildenhall at
      We occasionally see E4 ‘doomsday’ planes at Mildenhall.

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