Nuclear Free Local Authorities

UK & Ireland NFLA Secretariat
Nuclear Policy Section,
Policy and Partnerships, City Policy
Level 6, Town Hall Extension,
Library Walk, Manchester, M60 2LA
Chair: Councillor Lawrence O’Neill Secretary: Richard Outram
Tel: 07583 097793
Email: Website:

Members of Lakenheath Alliance for Peace

Participants in the march to and camp at Lakenheath 5 July 2024

Dear Friends,

I write to you as Chair of the UK/Ireland Nuclear Free Local Authorities to send you solidarity greetings and a message of support for your march to and camp at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk in opposition to the future redeployment of US nuclear weapons.

The whole of humankind is now faced by a frightening geo-political situation in which NATO and its allies now face off against Russia, China, and Iran to a point where a Third World War is possible. In a Third World War involving nuclear-armed power blocs the use of nuclear weapons is a distinct and frightening possibility. No one can win a nuclear war, and it must never be fought. The losers will be the entire human race and indeed all life on this planet.

The United States in carrying out this redeployment, and the United Kingdom in its acquiescence, will be displaying the rankest hypocrisy. The two NATO allies co-signed a statement at a recent NATO Summit condemning Russia and Belarus for their collaboration in deploying nuclear weapons in the territory of Belarus under Russian control; yet how is this different to locating nuclear weapons in the territory of Great Britain under American control?

In both instances, the actions of the respective parties are contrary to the commitment they each made under Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty to seek in ‘good faith’ to secure nuclear disarmament for the world. In the current febrile international climate, with NATO and Russia daggers drawn over the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, this action will represent one further step down the road to Armageddon.

As local authorities with the primary responsibility for the welfare of the lives of the citizens of our municipalities, the Nuclear Free Local Authorities say ‘Cities are not targets!’. We are honoured to be members of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and we were proud to be accepted as a member organisation of the Lakenheath Alliance for Peace.

We stand with you in being opposed to the deployment of US nuclear weapons to Lakenheath (or elsewhere in the UK) and in supporting the removal of US and Russian weapons from European NATO nations and from Belarus. Ultimately, we share your vision for total nuclear disarmament attained through adherence by the nuclear signatory states to Article VI of the NPT and the universal application of the terms of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Yours in peace,

Councillor Lawrence O’Neill,

Chair, UK/Ireland NFLA Steering Committee

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